Online Registration Procedures

(Fresh and Returning Students)

  1. Fresh student will get their ID and password from their admission notification letter while returning student (those without StudentId & Password) should login with their matric. number and their surname
  2. visit
  3. Login with your student ID and password
  4. Fill up your biodata
  5. Payment

 (a.) Click on payment link, the system will show you the amount to be paid, SUG dues included.

 (b.) Click on payment Option select either Master card, Verve, Visa or  Generate RRR and proceed to bank for payment.

 (c.) Click on “submit for payment” button

 (d.) The system carries you to REMITA platform to compete payment.

             Note: if your payment is successful the system gives you online receipt and if the payment was not successful you will be requested to requery to check status of payment.

(e.) Print your Polytechnic Provisional admission letter and online registration payment receipt. And

  1. Logout