The Federal Polytechnic, Bida at a Glance

In the over forty years of its existence, the Polytechnic has grown to become one of the most respected and influential Polytechnics in Nigeria. The Polytechnic presently has seven schools and 31 departments and 57 NBTE accredited programmes and eight new ones being proposed.  Before now, the Polytechnic had only four schools and twenty three academic departments.

The School of Basic and General Studies has five (5) departments namely, Languages, Social Sciences, Legal, Basic Studies and Mathematics. The Polytechnic is proposing to have the following programmes: Social Development (Community Development), Social Development (Social Welfare) Social Development (Youth and Sports), Industrial and Labor Relations, Preliminary Studies in Sciences and Engineering IJMB Courses, Remedial Studies, Financial Mathematics and Industrial Mathematics.

The School of Applied and Natural Sciences has seven (7) departments namely: Department of Hospitality Management, Nutrition and Dietetics, Statistics, Science Laboratory Technology, Physics, Biological Sciences and Chemical science.

The School of Information and Communication Technology has three (3) departments namely: Computer Science, Office Technology and Management, and Mass Communication, but proposing to have Library and Information Sciences Department. New programmes like Software Development and Cyber Security will be added to the existing ones.

The School of Engineering Technology comprises of five (5) departments namely: Agricultural and Bio-environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.  The Institution is also proposing to have the following new departments: Computer Engineering, Foundry Engineering, Welding and Fabrication Engineering, Industrial Safety and Environmental Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering.

The School of Environmental Design and Construction Technology has six (6) departments namely: Architectural Technology, Building Technology, Quantity Surveying, Estate Management and Valuation, Surveying and Geoinformatics and Urban and Regional Planning.  

The School of Financial Studies has two (2) departments namely: Accountancy, and Banking and Finance but proposing to have two (2) more departments, namely Insurance Department and Department of Taxation.

The School of Business Administration and Management has three (3) departments namely: Business Administration and Management, Public Administration, and Marketing, but also proposing to have four (4) more Departments to include: Purchasing and Supply, Local Government Studies, Entrepreneurship Development and Co-operative Economics and Management.